Sunday, November 28, 2010

yeah... and stuff

So, it has been quite a while and I have meant to do this for a while. I don't have much to say today, just got back from seeing the girlfriend in North Carolina for a week and have to do all the shit I ignored for a week. I have an 8 page paper to write a draft of, and two chapters of physics to read and do the questions on.

I have been watching football recently, not sure why, but even my local team the Bills are playing decent today. I started the twitter thing up, finally figured I would check it out. I think while during school as I don't have time to do shit, this twitter thing may come in handy with regards to this. You should be able to find me there by my phone number and email, but the screen name is K_Kalishnakov. For some reason they put @ in front of it, guess it just feeds the western ego of being important and all that jive.

School has been killing me slowly, working 40 hrs a week on top of 12 credit hours is not fun as many of you already know. I had to quit the metal band because I didn't have time to ever practice with them and haven't done much with the cover band either. Just work and school, and work Saturday's when I am home to make up for leaving work early for school. I work 6 or 7am till 2 pm, and then class from 3 till 8 4 days a week. Then I come home and try to do homework until I fall asleep at my desk or reading propped up in bed. Next semester will be much the same, although I get to take calc along with an upper level anthropology classes that will take care of a gen ed requirement, and biology, fun wow. The fourth and or fifth is a tossup depending on what my adviser will allow, either sociology or mechanics1. In the fall I should be able to start taking mostly if not all engineering classes, so at least I will finally be taking the classes for my major.

I took a trip in October and I'll tell a bit about the vacation next time, I have to read a couple books and write that damn paper. Follow me on twitter and I'll follow you, I can do that from my phone and it may work out:)
