Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Redundantly repeating myself, over and over again...

First off, I have a few fuck you's to lovingly hand out to the masses. I seem to have not gotten my point across yet that I do not appreciate and am not willing to either chase a girl or play some kind of game where you act like you don't want to talk to me to see how far I will go and then play hot and cold with me. If you want to be around me, goddamn say so and if you don't, say. fucking. so. If all you want is a shag, once again, say so and we can talk. If you just want to hang out and have a beer, I think you should say thats what you want and do exactly that. Oh, it doesn't help if you get blitzed on the first date and tell me how everyone says you are a slut and how funny and cute you think it is. That doesn't go much for earning you any kind of respect and will just get you the same treatment from me. If you act like some drunk fuck toy, you will be treated accordingly. You are not allowed to complain about it or try to pretend you are anything different.

Birthday's... you get a giant fuck you. I do not need a reminder that I am officially old. You already took my hair line and mounted an offensive against the colour of my hair, don't rub it in with the number game.

Next group of people that need to be raped with a rail road spike are the religious right. What kind of sense does it make to rally against abortion, but execute retarded people and cheer for people to die because they can't afford health insurance? And what goddamn person that claims to be a patriot would boo a soldier just because he is gay? He takes up arms and is willing to die for you fucks. That is the end of my political rant.

So, I am turning 30 in a few days... not sure how to feel about that or what to think. Am I old? Not old enough? Should I have accomplished more by this point? Am I supposed to have the house with the fence and the dog and be getting ready for my first divorce? Should I have a good career making 100k a year by now? I feel like I haven't gotten very far. I am still in school, only make 19 an hour, am single, rent, don't have a dog (but a cool cat!) I have friends that have some or all of these things, am I not as good as them? Am I a failure? I am glad I don't have kids yet and I haven't found anyone I can put up with long enough or that can stand me to get married. It's hard enough to wither get a second date or want one lately.

I almost forgot, a giant fuck you to insomnia. You suck fetid donkey balls. Let me fucking sleep so I am not a damn zombie unless I am slamming coffee and the like.

For my birthday, I will be setting up shop at my favourite local bar, Broadway Joes. I should arrive Friday early evening and be there until Sunday morning. The bar serves food and has a can so I should be all set. If fortune smiles upon me and I have Friday off from work, I will start Thursday night.

You think if my cat dies and I plant her in the yard, new cats will grow? Or would I have to do it while she is still alive? What if she comes back as a zombie cat? That would kinda blow, but it might be kinda cool...

Time to try the whole sleep thing again, farewell gentle reader. I can never say how much I appreciate you reading this useless crap time and again. I love you all and hope my posts get better or at least more entertaining. Hoping to have a good story after this weekend. Take care and go have a damn beer, sobriety is for hippies and sailors!!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The way things were...

Hey gang,
Once again, I throw myself at your mercy for my absence, I hope that some of you will see this and read it, even. It has been some time and shit has gone down. I am on a decent dose of my meds so that I am usually ok unless too much stupid happens, which is about every other day...

Back on the hunt for a lady companion and it is not going well!! Ha!!! One broad had the nerve to call me an alcoholic! Can you believe that shit! So, I got wasted and called her a cunt and then she didn't want certain parts of me to touch her anymore (certain parts being all of me.) She wanted to stay friends though, whew! What a relief, you mean instead of molesting your tits on a regular basis, I can just text you and say HI? You mean, when I see you with your next victim, I can't be sad or jealous or care? You know what they should say instead? (this is loosely quoted from my favourite movie called High Strung)... "I don't want anything to DO with you anymore, but it would be great for me if I could feel NO Guilt. It would be great if I thought I could call on you to help me with my life! But, I dont want to see you or hang out with you..." ..."It is like your mom coming up to you in public and saying 'Now remember I lover you very much, but when we are in public? Don't call me Mom, call me Marge.'" Fuck you, you projecting, drug addict of a slutbitchwhoremotherfucker. Lets, just be friends... yeah, but only if I can still have exclusive rights to those cans!! This is also assuming that I was the only one these past few weeks that had access to the promise land.

I have been working in a nursing home these past couple weeks. It is the most god damn depressing and sad place I have ever been in. I listen to these people yell and scream and cry for pills they just took, most cannot feed themselves, it is fucking horrible! My best thoughts go out to anybody that works in one of these despicable shit holes. Speaking of work, I started with the IBEW electrical union local 41 back in Feb. Got a decent raise and upgrade in work conditions, jobs, the whole fucking nine!

I am still in school working towards my mechanical engineering degree, this process will never end and will only get worse, going to school part time sucks. I have been thinking of simpler times lately, when we were younger and dumber. This last section is a few things that just used to be better.
Remember when things didn't suck as much? When all you had to worry about was getting to the game after school and what cd was next on your list to buy. I turn 30 next month, not too sure how I feel about that. I am getting old and I can see it, my hair has thinned out so that I now shave my head. I actually need sleep now. I have no fucking clue what these dipshit kids are doing with their clothes, either. Dress like a god damned man if you are a man. No more stealing your fucking girlfriends jeans and hair style!!

Remember when being in the military used to mean something? When people were proud to talk about their time in? When employers sought to hire veterans? When a woman's deciding factor in dating you wasn't whether or not you served? I seem to notice that we have a horrible rap now and people are afraid of us and not in the good way. The government tells us to beggar off when we ask for the things we were promised in writing.

Remember when a gal liked (and dare I even say appreciated) being treated nice? Instead of getting bored with that pussy shit of a bitch and slipping off with the next guy that looks like they will slap them and call them a stupid cunt. (Fuck you autocorrect! I will teach you the word cunt!!) We used to kick guys asses if we saw him acting that way towards a lady. Now you see it and you can see the look in the eyes of the people around and the girls flutter as the guys look on in awe. I know there is something to be said for the bad boy image, but since when did trying to be nice to someone mean that you are a puss? I don't like to yell at people for no reason and I was brought up to be polite and treat your girl like she was as great as you knew she was/is. It seems like the only people you see in relationships are always fighting like they hate and resent each other. They always go back to the guy that hits them, as well! I know not 100% of the time, save your hate mail, but a lot of the time! I have been told I was too nice before when girls have broken up with me. What the fuck?! Isn't the point to be with someone you like and enjoy spending time around? Someone you don't fight with all the time and you smile when you think of spending time with them? Why the fuck would anyone stay with someone they weren't happy to see? Are we all that intent on being miserable, the victim, the forsaken?

Now, I know I am not the most cheery little fuckin trooper out there, but come the fuck on. Nobody likes being in a bad mood all the time, it sucks. Most of us try to do things that we enjoy, or that will cheer us up. Things like having a beer with a friend, plowing the snot out of some hot piece of ass, listening to music, the list goes on and on. Stop being a pathetic little emo fuck tard and realize that you are not nearly as important as you think you are and shut the fuck up.

Remember when men used to be men? Men drank beer, smoked, swore, knew how to build and fix shit, etc.

We sure as shit aren't getting any younger, folks. Stop wasting your time and find a decent girl or guy. Go find a career or job you don't hate. Go toast a shot with your favorite bitter Jarhead:) Have a blast and don't take no fucking prisoners!!
