So, I was watching the 'ol boob tube, wishing I was boning this one chick I know in the jiveslice, but messing with ideas for a podcast I want to create and drinking gin. A commercial came on for a show called "Man Vs. Food" and I almost lost my shit. Have you seen this asshole? Glorifying gluttony and making a living at being a fat fuck. He travels around and eats massive proportions of the nastiest (healthwise usually) food and brags about it. Is this what is considered "culture" here in the states? I hope not, we have enough problems trying to stay healthy, for those of you who can afford insurance. Whats next, a show where someone is on a couch eating a tub of fucking lard like it's goddamn ice cream? I should pitch that idea to to the network, it'll probably make me millions if there is a bit of drama like the weekly heart attack the fuck will have.
Is this part of the whole reality tv thing all the hippie kids are into these days? I can't stand that crapola either. Though, if your ever feeling like shit just flip on one of these freak shows for 15 min and you'll feel like your on top of the world. I would rather nail my dick to a burning building than watch these shows. Survivor, Real World, Trading spaces, and whatever else passes for entertainment these days can all pound sand.
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