Monday, October 26, 2009

Bu bu bu beeeer

Wow, what a week, my birthday celebration went from Tuesday through Sunday evening. Tue. was open mic and beer, Wed. was a hockey game, horror show, and beer, Thur. was wings and beer, Fri. was lots of beer, and Sat. was clubbing and beer, with lots of shots most nights. I was able to save the band 300 bucks by doing some side work for the landlord at the practice space, thank god for that, I was going to have a hard time coming up with that this month, this week I have to do battle with the student loan people for a forbearance until school starts in Jan. Hoping I can tell them "...look, I want to do this the legal way and I am going back to school in Jan, however, comma, pause for effect, I don't have money for you either way so whether you give me the forbearance or not, you are not getting shit from me, figured I would tell you up front..." When they tell me there is nothing they can do I will respond with a tactful and polite "Go fornicate yourself with an iron stick." Hope it goes well.

Ugly people in late night commercials for sex stuff, what the hell? I got rid of the regular a couple weeks ago, she kept rubbing it in my face about some new guy she met and I got sick of it so I started hitting on her friend a couple weeks ago. She got real pissed and tried like hell to cock block me behind my back while telling me to my face the exact opposite. When I called her out on it, she became even more pissed and told me I was an asshole to which my immediate response was to tell her to go pound sand. She then told me she hoped I die and a bunch of other pleasant and dramatic things. One more piece of support for why I won't date 20-21 yr olds.

Went grocery shopping last night, think I shall start doing it at night, less people. However, it would be really nice if just once I could find something to eat that it moderately healthy, quick to prepare and comes in a single cock sucking mother loving hippy ass goddamned serving, holy fucking hell, I swear I will nuke the whole town and a few surrounding ones one of these days. Finally found something that looks like it may work, spent an hour in the store, but I did set a new record low at the cash out... drum roll please......... 38.46. Only one "bad" thing in the cart too, some Oreo's, I like cookies... alot... my one weakness...

Tour is not happening now, do not remember if I mentioned it before or not, lots of issues and bullshit, but at least we have some shit coming up and are going to start on the new cd. We are opening for Green Jelly on the 6th at Club Diablo here in Buffalo and we are looking into a show on Thanksgiving eve as well.

Thank you once again to my roommates who came crashing in at 305 in the am and stomped around yelling at each other for 20 min just as I was about to finally fall asleep, then the two above me had an argument till 4am, so now I am up, blogging, and doing laundry at 4 fucking 55 am. I hate everybody... I am sorry I have not been keeping up on your blogs, I will be catching up during the week sometime, especially angry red head and uncorked, those are two of my favourites. This may be one of the first ones I have written with no booze whatsoever in my system, odd. Think I should cut back a little anyway, also will help with the calories, trying to not be such an asshole about the way I eat, at least during the week.

My bass player wants to take me to NYC for a weekend coming up this month, hope I have the cash, he knows a bunch of people and can get us a place to crash and into alot of high end bars and clubs for free. I'll post actual dates when/if it happens, if anyone is in the area and wants to have some beers, let me know!

I have a new pick up line as well, let me know what you think... "You, me, case of beer, can of crisco, and a clown mask, whaddya say?" Hope everyone has a good week, I'll try to put another post up during the week as well, have to figure out how to word a few things because a few people that actually know me are reading this now, lol.
Drive fast, take chances, always pass on the right.

Monday, October 19, 2009

First off let me apologize for missing a week and being late with this one, was a busy couple weeks with too much drama and too little sleep and cash. Still hacking my way through the dating world, having some fun and meeting some cool people, a couple dicks too, but thats always the way, hahaha! Another reason why I shouldn't talk to girls when I am drunk... I end up writing such fabulous lines as "roses are red, violets are black. Hey baby, nice fuckin rack" Also mentioned something about a clone army of ferrets... One of those I actually though of sober, hahaha! A friend of mine did think they were funny later though, but I wasn't trying to pick her up with that line.
I have seen a few things on the old boob tube to make me both laugh and want to attack myself with a nail gun to stop the pain. Lets start with a funny one... The new SW Air commercial has the best tag line I have seen in quite a while. The end of the commercial rolls up and the screen says, "Grab your bag... it's on", freakin awesome! There was a commercial for a place that will fix your windshield if it has a chip in it before it gets bad enough to have the entire thing replaced. Now I assume they have some smart cat's writing these commercials and to hear grammar being slaughtered like slutty girls in a cheap horror movie makes me think they are doing it on purpose. Some kind of thing where they think the stupid shit's will identify with a guy thats just like they are, just a regular guy, working man, and all that jive. Or someone sure fucked the dog on that bit of editing... While we are on conspiracies though, let this one sink in for a min and let me know if I am crazy or have I figured it all out. The downfall of the economy and the lack of it getting much better could be a scheme to raise the numbers of people enlisting in the military. Probably jumping at shadows, but you never know, lol.

Apparently it is no longer safe to eat fruit. Saw a commercial for some new hippy toothpaste that was talking about protecting your teeth from those horrible and terrible fruits and the nasty acid's that are in them. Give me a fucking break, these are the same assholes that switch their mind every goddamn six months about which parts of a freakin egg you should or shouldn't eat and if it is ok to have milk if you want to live past 20.

I won't say too much on the movie Where the Wild Things Are except I am not a fan of the idea of a kid dressed like a raccoon dancing around with a bunch of failed Muppet's. Doesn't sound entertaining to me and I didn't like it as a kid either. I would like to reign death and fire from the sky down upon my boss more than ever. I am used to not getting quite the right parts to do things and I have realized this is the way it is going to be. He cares more about the bottom line and not making something look good it seems, however, comma, pause for effect... When you make me use the wrong fucking parts then complain about it a couple days later and make me look like an asshole? Thats when people die. At least I am getting the right parts now if nothing else... fucking commies...

Had a couple dates in the last week, the first one went rather shitty, she faked sick by the end of it, but whatever on that. The other two went well, had a lot of fun and at the very least I'll end up with a friend or two, the best, heh heh, well you know:) The tour is off now it seems for the metal band, there were some issues both financial and legal with one of the bands and alot of rumors on top of that so we are not going. Shitty, but we can work on writing new material and playing some more shows, maybe get the new cd done in the Spring. Took the semester off of school for fucking nothing though, can't say I'm surprised by the turn of events though...

Turns out when you drink beer for 10 hours straight, you get pretty hammered. Did that yesterday for the football games, had a good time, but paid for it today at work, felt like I had a wet blanket wrapped around me most the day. Open mic is tomorrow and it is the kickoff to my birthday, if your around Buffalo, drop in to Broadway Joe's for a beer and a tune or two. I am going to try not to get peeled all week long, but I think tonight may be my only night off. Have to play it by ear, hahaha! 28... never thought I would ever make it this far, not in the greatest position imaginable, but have some good plans and thing are in motion as long as funding stays in place and gets better (looks at his boss quizzically), things will turn out ok. Had a little too much fun this past two weekends and have to lie low to make sure I can scrape out my bills for the rest of the month.
Ps. If you can get your paws on a beer called Sapporo, rock it out man, it is some tasty beer.
Take care and have a good week all, I'll hopefully be back on Sunday with some good birthday stories.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Things that make you go.... Where is the fucking booze?!

Well, here we are, another week gone, stuff happened, came, and went. Averaged about 3 hrs sleep a night all week and even through till today, that puts you in a good mood to start. Work was work, nothing too bad, just fighting to get the parts I need in a size I can use in a timeframe to stay on schedule. Band played Saturday night, that went pretty well, we were worried about the show, but it went off without a hitch and we had a good turn out. The girl I told you about? Yeah that went about as well as it usually does, hahaha! The regular is gone now, found a new guy, told me all about it, then got mad because I hit on some other chick, never did understand the women folk, back to square one there. Have a couple plots and plans cooking on the stove though, as soon as my toad lips, bat wings, and rufies come in the mail I shall be ready to rock.
It was a long week too, practice every night getting ready for the show, a memorial service/funeral at open mic night for a fellow musician that lost the battle with alcoholism, all on top of not sleeping and not having an appetite and giving up on my patches and being back on the nicotine. I almost murdered my boss a couple times, and think I scared him once with the string of profanity and various descriptions of the fate that would befall the next person to fuck with me, short me on parts, or tell me to calm down. Too much stress for one week, the band was learning three new songs and our bassist was singing for the first time ever on top of us being a three piece and having to deal with missing a second guitar, singer, and backup singer.
Good news though, the men are back state side. My old Marine Corp unit just got back from Iraq late last week and will be home on Thursday, much booze will be consumed this weekend in Rochester Friday night! I have a sports tirade, have to go back to my last couple posts and see if I already did it, mind is kind of fried currently. I will probably save the sports shit for a separate post since I am guessing that most the people that read this could give a flying fuck about hockey or football, I am not much for football, but all my friends are so I have to play that game and have a clue what is going on and what everyone is talking about.
Going to be 28 in a couple weeks, not too sure how I feel about that, trying to find something cool to do that weekend. Not too many ideas yet, probably going to ______, to drink lots of ______ and get some _____ to _____ my _____ and take it in the ______ while standing on her head and yodeling while being water boarded with molasses. And a candle so it's all romantical and shit... Although, more than likely I'll just be face down on the basement floor, hahaha!
I have thought of a new post for my facebook, going to try it and see how many people block me or remove me. It will look something like this; Kris - is fun even with his pants on! I'll let you know how it goes.
Chocolate chip cookies were on sale at the store as well:) Trying some new hippie kind of bread, going to take me a sammige to work for lunch for the first time in a couple years. Sick of tuna packets and cereal. Picked up some luncheon meat and this flat sort of pita ish thing that is surely the work of satan, but only 100 calories per thingy, so fuckin A I'll take a run at it.
I was peeled the other day and actually gave serious though to interweb dating... how butt fucking pathetic is that? I just get aggravated at the bullshit, fake people, liars, and whores. Not saying I am perfect, but what the shittin shit man, would one date with someone reasonably normal or at least fucked up in a cool and interesting way be out of line to ask for? Suppose it's better than fighting with some pain in the ass about stupid shit non stop though, shit like "You drink too much", "You have band practice again?", "Did you kill another hooker?", and "The dog doesn't like to be touched there." I have a few more bucks in my pocket and a little less stress in my life. My bass player keeps telling me to look for the good in things instead of the bad, think I'll give it a shot, and speaking of shots...
Well, hockey is starting in a bit, have a couple of things to do before the Canucks play. Have a good week all, leave me some love and I'll return the favour.
