Sunday, August 16, 2009

blogging stuff

So I also made a thing on a site called for 20 something bloggers. I am not sure if I am supposed to blog on that or here or both so if you don't see much recent here, try heading over there to see a post, I will try to post here though, since there is a link to this page driectly from that one and here I have my content warning so I don't have to listen to people bitch about the way I talk sometimes:)


  1. I tend to blog on my blogger exclusively, and I put an RSS box with my blogger on my 20sb profile... makes it a bit easier than maintaining multiple blogs :)

  2. 20sb is the shit. It's the best community that I'm a part of.

  3. Welcome to 20sb! I blog on my actual blog and do the RSS feed like Katie said in her comment.

  4. Hey Mister, I think it's time for an update! =D

  5. I joined 20sb to actually
    I blog on both.
    but My more serious thought out blogs are on here.

    20sb is cool tho because It occupies time to find new blogs to read.
    Which you can read at work I may add! no blocking
