Monday, March 1, 2010

alcohol abuse or proactive anxiety prevention part 2. READ PART 1 FIRST

That is the band, we did a photo shoot finally, this is one of the first pictures my bassist/backup singer (left) has had the time to edit and send us. We aren't putting the new pics up on the site till we get some new recordings done with the current line up playing on them (me). I play some of the songs on the site now when we do shows, but we play more of the new stuff we are writing, so if you are in the area and can catch a show, you will here a few songs from the site and some new shit too! Next show is 20 March, I'll post a flier in case anyone is local around then.

So, I am subbed out to another electrical contractor for the time being because my boss has no work, I have been working on a chicken farm in Pembroke, NY and spent the first 7 weeks mostly in the compost barn. This is where they store the chicken shit, rank ass jive, chicken manure is pretty rancid and they were using the barn for the storage of said shit for the last 3 weeks I was working in there. I had a video clip of it, but the quality was pretty bad. The people are decent I work with, but now apparently there is a discrepancy with my hours and I have to go haggle with the boss about it, foreman and I are not sure who fucked up, probably both if us did, an hour one week or another week, but there is one week where we don;t match by 8 hours. So now I look like an asshole who is trying to rip off my boss and have to deal with that shit, fuck me and now I will be worries to the point of stomach cramps about it till Thursday when I go in to talk with my boss about it and start figuring it out, only I haven't kept track, never heard anything in the 3 months I have been working with these guys so thought I was doing things properly. Need a better job, the old lady's old man offered to help me get into the boilermakers union though, 20 an hour to start take home, not a bad gig at all.

The first few weeks I was working on the farm, doing electrical work in the new barns they are building, I was working with this super femenazi chick. Now lets get one thing straight from the beginning, I am totally down with the woman's lib jive, I think it is about goddamn time you chicks got the fuck out of the house and made some scratch. This chick however, just hates men just because they are men and she must have gotten fucked over pretty bad. Every other sentence out of her horse toothed mouth was spewing hate about stupid men and how stupid they are and how smart she is and how she gets shit just because she is a chick. She wants everything both ways, and this is where I find fault with her and anyone like her who pretends to be a feminist. You don't get it both ways, you either get treated like every other guy on the job site, or we tone it down, and play nice around you and treat you like a lady and be chivalrous and all that. Pick one. You don't get the best of both worlds. I will treat you either way, just let me know, but I would rather treat you like an equal and like I treat everyone else. The last straw was when she went on a 20 minute tirade about how the government and corporations were against women in the workforce because a woman's work boot weighed less than a man's because it was made with less quality and women's carhart's are more expensive because she wanted some wee shade of pink ones and they require more material cause you chicks have can's. That is just stupid. We had to sit through her shit and listen to her and suck it up cause if any of us had said anything she told us she had her lawyer on speed dial and would sue the shit out if us, the company, and the owner of the job we were working on. I hate one sided shit , but like having a job...

I am going to apply for the boilermakers next month and see what happens, I may have to give up school for a while if I do get that job, but I will be able to afford my student loans so I could pull it off. I have been having second thoughts about the mechanical engineering thing, sitting in these law classes makes me think I could probably pull off being a lawyer and that would be a cool gig as well. Not sure what to do, law school would probably be a bit easier than an engineering degree, but the engineering degree I can get at night school, law, not so sure. I also plan on moving to Seattle next summer, there are a couple good engineering schools out there and apparently I have some family out there that might be able to help me out. Unless something drastic changes, I am going to head out there next year, I hate Buffalo, it is a dead city and the state if NY is so fucked it is not even funny. The country is fucked as a whole, don;t get me wrong there, but as much as I wanted to never get political with this, I may mention a couple things here tonight.

One of those things is the recent Supreme Court ruling that more or less says that corporation's now count as citizen's and have rights of free speech and can contribute unlimited amounts of money to campaign's. The entire government on every level is now for sale to the highest bidder. Not to mention that a lot of these corporations are multi matronal so that means that there will be a lot of foreign money funding our elections, just seems wrong to me. The gun rights thing is ramping up as well, saw a thing today on the Huffington Post that said Starbucks allows patrons to carry now. Weird, but not sure if I really have a big problem with it. It sounds shocking at first, but we do have the right to own weapons in this country in case the government ever gets out of hand and the people need to rise up and take it down. Should there be limits on it? Of course, I am not some whack-job that thinks everyone should walk around looking like a character from Halo or Doom, but I don't have a problem with people that are responsible and mature enough to have guns to have them within reason. I am not really sure where to draw the lines though, the people that use guns to do ill to others will do it no matter what the laws or regulations and I would not be caught in a position where I could not defend my house and family, if I ever get sucked into having one, haha! Things have gotten to a certain point in this country and now have to be dealt with in certain ways in order to prevent total fucking anarchy, does it suck? Yes, but sometimes it is the lesser of the evils I fear. Onto part 3, the random notes I have made of things I wanted to mention, I will work on learning how to do transitions, I promise, not sure when just bear with me for a while people...

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