22 March, 2010
New, not so notable, somewhat serious, and contemplative. (Sorry, this probably won’t have any laughs in it, deal with it, Hippies)
Let me begin with reaffirming my hatred of politics and both of the major parties, especially the extremists housed in both and more notably the similarities between the hardcore right and the Taliban. I fucking hate them all and wish they would all just shut the hell up and get on with trying not to send this country spiraling into the seventh circle of hell. If you don’t know what Socialism, Marxism, Communism, or Fascism is, shut your inbred redneck ass the shit up. If you are so liberal that you would stand by and watch a gang on hairy Russians punch-fuck your wife and then serve them lemonade, shut your hippie ass up and cut your goddamned hair. I tried to stay out of politics with this blog as much as I could because it only starts fights and I am sure at least a couple of my regular readers are righties and I think I know who the hard leftie is, I have to go into it a bit, I will try to be un biased, but I am a slightly liberal atheist cat. I also use run on sentences, there are plenty more entertaining and educated sites to read and I won’t be hurt of you leave now.
My point… ah yes, I was listening to the news on the way home from work and they were talking about what happened Saturday in Washington DC. As some of the Democrat dudes were walking by the Tea Party protesters, they were spit at/on and called nigger’s and faggot’s as well as communists and a slew of other names. Now, I try to be a literal person as much of the time as I can be. I find humour in a lot of things others think is abhorrent, but this shit just pissed me off. The right wing and these tea bagging fucks tout all these religious (Protestant and Catholic predominately if I am not mistaken) morals and values and all the Jebus jive about tolerance, acceptance, and peace. (I’ll save the atheist rant for another time as many more can do it better than I anyway.) I do find it funny that the peace loving tolerant religious people are threatening to assassinate the president and members of Congress and the Senate, I do not find the actual threats funny at all, it is vile and illegal. I support the right to free speech and freedom of religion with all my sense of being, if you want a revolution, do it, stop whining and crying and do it, you have the right to protest peaceably. It is a fine and weird line and maybe I sound dualistic on this, but I think I know what I mean here.
I am not a huge fan of the government most of the time and I guess most American’s are not proponents of federal interaction in their personal shit. Seems to be the prevailing thought in the States. That being said, it was left to the “free market” and they fucked it up royally, not going to blame one party or the other because they are both full of fuck-tards. It needs to be fixed and if the individual states will or cannot and the “free market” keeps dragging us down, what other options have we left? I am not a huge fan of this new healthcare bill, there seems to me at least some problems not addressed and I don’t have a lot of faith that it will be worked on or cared about much now that it is passed, I worry mainly that now that people are required by law to have insurance, just like the laws dealing with car insurance in some states, at least here in New York, but there is nothing to stop the insurance companies from jacking prices every year like they are doing now. At least not that I have seen or heard yet. (My disclaimer goes here that I have not done a lot of research on this as of yet, so feel free to correct me and contact me to discuss this crap as long as you have valid points and evidence, no talking points or bullshit lines from either the left or right will be answered. Ex). Death panels, increasing deficit, etc.) It is good that they will not be able to deny as many people coverage and kick them off after years of paying once they finally need the damn insurance, though there will be scores of lawyers pouring through books to find the loopholes in this shit, I can promise you that. I also have a question for everyone, maybe it is just a coincidence or maybe I figured it out and I should be running things, just kidding. Anyway, how come it seems that regardless of education, how come people in higher paying jobs more often than not seem to be Republican? I am not saying all or that anyone is smarter, I personally think that more Democrats are better rational/critical thinkers and know many Democrats with degree’s/phd’s and very high paying jobs.
I think the entire thing all boils down to one issue that has not changed since the founding of the United States of America. The amount of federal fucking with of our personal lives. Everything seems to stem from this, it has been spun into corporatism running the right, they seem like they wont be happy until an oil company is president, and the left that seems to be quite the opposite. I think it is safe to say that it appears to be the case that American’s on the average have a problem with authority. We like to break rules and push things as far as we can rather than “go with the flow”. It has done some pretty cool shit for us as a society and for the human race as a whole in matters of new technology and the like. The problem arises when we are left to our own devices and we fuck it up, how do we fix it? How do we turn around a society based on all this tomfoolery, bribery, and bullshit? Can we even fix it at this point or are we doomed to run aground? I remember from some of my philosophy readings that Democracy was said to be the 4th worst out of the 5 forms of government, descending into tyranny eventually. I don’t want to discuss the truth of this as it was only one dude’s opinion, but it seems to be the case that it has happened before and may happen here. How it didn’t under the Bush presidency is almost a shock to me, and I don’t see it happening with Obama, but this country is in a bad place currently. There are stirrings of movements that are similar to countries that had dictators and tyrant’s come to power. We are a nation founded by immigrants and outcasts who wanted something better for themselves and their children. It is time we stopped bitching about what our neighbor looks like, who they are attracted to, how we can have more shiny possessions than them, and what they believe happens after they die and start trying to help one another out and make decisions that are based on making things better for everyone, not just you. It seems to me that a democracy is majority rule, sometimes you will not get what you want, tough shit, life sucks, get a fucking helmet.
The last touchy subject I want to touch on today is immigration, I have mixed feelings about this, but I at least want to mention something I found amusing. On the radio Friday, I was listening to an illegal alien on talking about why he came here. While I am not against people coming here to get away from bad things, there is a right way to do it. We have this nifty little deal called political asylum, just for people like that. If you want to come here, all I ask is that you do it the right way, While a lot of illegal’s work and pay into social security as they work under “false” social security numbers and they more often than not do jobs most of us would never want to do, it is still wrong on some level. Not really getting into all that now, just wanted to mention that this retard is bragging about how he will be at some rally with a shit load of other illegal aliens protesting for more rights that they believe they are entitled to. This guy is on national news telling everyone he is here illegally and will be in a certain place at a certain time. He is just begging INS to come and pick through that crowd, serves him right. It also seems kind of narcissistic to walk into a place you don’t have a legal right to be and make demands as to how you wish to be treated, nowhere else in the world would this be tolerated. I certainly couldn’t sneak into another country or even another state and demand rights or money. Not to put Canada on the spot cause I like that place a lot and would like to move there eventually, but they won’t let U.S. citizens just come there and stay, they even made it a point to say they are pretty damn close to shutting their borders to us so we can’t flock there when this place goes down the tubes, I heard Denmark was the same way. No one wants us, the few of us left that aren’t greedy, self absorbed, maniacal retards that just want a decent life are stuck here getting pulled down and labeled like the few morons that make the news and the rest of the world see’s on TV. I have friends in other countries that are amazed at what they see on TV about the States and then even more shocked to find out I am not some jerk off and “Arrogant American”. I take pride in that, and I hope to change a few minds if I can. We aren’t all bad people.
At least I am not as bad as the pricks that leave the price tags on their clothes, hats, or cars. This is one group of people that really grinds my gears. No one thinks your cool because you paid three times as much for your car that does the same goddamned job that my hunk does. Get over yourself and clean off the fucking window so you don’t cut me off and run me off the road because you can’t see though the price sticker. Besides, you are probably too busy talking on your damn phone while driving, probably telling all of your fuck-tard friends how sweet your new whip is. If you cut me off, I’ll probably just hit you, the accident will be your fault and you stand to lose much more by fucking your car up than I doJ. My car already has a couple dings, (Thank you, you non driving ex girlfriend who shall remain nameless… yes, turning the wheel makes the car go to the side, not straight back! Holy shit!!!) one more won’t hurt my feelings. Besides, after you pull over, there is a good chance I will drag you out of your car through the window and beat your teeth out with your cell phone before ramming it down your fucking throat.
Ok, this is way too long so I will stop here and take my leave for the evening. Have a good week, try not to go too crazy and have some fun without getting tossed in the clink.
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